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Consultant Picture Lorraine Mazzola

Independent Consultant

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Have you ever been frustrated when you find yourself working from 9-5, feeling that your work is unappreciated? When raise time comes along, do you get your hopes up, only to get a minimal increase, if any? I'm living proof that you CAN have it ALL! Back then, every time my family wanted to go on a trip, it was impossible both financially and plus I couldn't take time off work. Then one day I received an invitation to have a Touchstone Crystal party. Even though I hadn't planned on buying anything, I could not believe how excited I became about the high-quality and affordable jewelry they have to offer. I wanted it all! It was a huge success and that led me to signing up as a Consultant that night. I knew I had to give it a try, I had nothing to lose! Before I knew it, my calendar was filled with parties and I said good-bye to my full time job! Today, I have my own business. I set my own hours and receive prizes and the oppurtunity for trips to unbelievable destinations. Touchstone Crystal has changed my life!
Intrigued? I'd love to tell you more about it. Please email me at I respond to most inquiries within 24 hours. Or give me a call at 973~670~1757. A 15 minute conversation can change your life!!
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Best Regards,