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Consultant Picture Renee Fleming

Independent Consultant

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This is me.....

Hey all!
I recently had a conversation with Tony about my business and how many may see or perceive my success and happiness but do not know or have seen the climb and hardships. He is so right…it has not been easy. There have been a lot of pain, a lot of failures. But I am undeniably a “pick myself up by my bootstrap” kinda girl & keep on keepin on.
I have so many new connections (which I am totally grateful for!), who don’t really know me, so I thought I would share my story……
I love getting to know others, their stories…so for those who don’t really know much about me, at almost 54 yrs of age...it took me a LONG TIME to feel the confidence & pride I feel today. I mean, I’ve really been through a lot. So many of us have...but this is me~
Born & raised in RI....my biological father took his life when I was only 6 years old, and my Mom raised my sister & I (with some help from the sweetest grandparents). After Mom remarried when I was 10 to my Dad (although not biological), I spent my teen years sleeping on the pullout sofa when my half brothers were little (yes, 2 bedroom place, on the second floor of a 2-family home, with 6 of us). I was determined to get out on my own and wanting MORE! So I moved out at 17 right after high school and worked my butt off. And then I learned the hard lessons of living outside my means and had to file for bankruptcy. Went into rebuild mode....
Then comes love, marriage & children, building the life that we envisioned for our family. My husband became very financially successful....we were blessed.
Until divorce happened...after 17 years, there I was....SAHM, 2 daughters, big house, and I was still determined to build the life of my dreams for my daughters & I. Just solo
I started this Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski business not really believing that I can be successful in a party business, but I am sooooo damn stubborn that failure just wasn’t an option. .. and literally had post-it notes in my office with 2 words on them~ “WATCH ME”.
While there have been many ups & downs, curveballs, obstacles, and too many “No’s” to count, here I am over 10 years into this business, having been a Senior Executive Director, with a team of over 400 women that I am lucky to work with. I have earned about 18 all-expense vacations (I forget the number actually, lol), 2 free BMW’s, I have helped to promote 2 Senior Directors during my career at Touchstone Crystal (yes...they earned FREE BMW’s too!!), met thousands of women and now have the most AMAZING sisterhood of friends from across the country. And I am soooo proud to share that my sales organization grew to over $12 million since I started 10 years ago!! Think about that…I didn’t even think I could sell a damn bracelet! lol Now, don’t misconstrue…Covid really did a number on all of us in the entrepreneurial space, but the comeback will be GREATER than the setback!
Another exciting aspect that I am super proud of…yes, I am patting myself on the back….(I hope that you take time to be PROUD of your accomplishments!) is that I have been an OFFICIAL SPONSOR of the Miss America & Miss Volunteer America Organization! YES….little ole ME!! I am really humbled and grateful for their support of my small business. How cool is this!? I love supporting the pageant industry!
To say that this business has changed my life is an UNDERSTATEMENT!! Not only am I BEYOND BLESSED to have raised 2 independent, confident daughters...Briana is 24 & Courtney is 21 (I cannot believe that I have 2 in College with Briana in Grad School at University of Pittsburgh studying to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy, and Courtney a Senior at Salve Regina pursuing a degree in Education!) I am so incredibly PROUD of my daughters......This business has given me the opportunity to help my girls so much!!! It is soooo freakin rewarding to continue to show them that when life throws you curveballs, which it will, we are in the drivers seat and can overcome ANYTHING! Although I cannot reconcile why my baby girl stopped communicating with me earlier this year, I pray that our family will be whole again….I continue to overcome.
I have EXPANDED my business recently to see how many more I can help! I am so passionate to “Unapologetically inspire Moms over 40 to build their f*it fund and unleash their inner Badass Queen”!
Whether it is through my sparkle, through coaching, or training programs…please let me know how I can support you.
I look forward to seeing how many women that I can help build a business of their dreams. The opportunity is LIMITLESS...if you dare to DREAM & BELIEVE....you can ACHIEVE!!
See, I have, or have had many of life’s challenges..but I am STILL STANDING…better than ever and truly believe that the BEST IS YET TO COME! I want to help empower women to know with every fiber of their being, that THEY too can overcome ANYTHING!
I am soooo incredibly GRATEFUL for your love & support!
Hope that your day SPARKLES