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                                    70 WWW.TOUCHSTONECRYSTAL.COMBirthstone Necklaces $45 Ceralun%u2122 pav%u00e9 ball swings elegantly on a delicate rhodium-plated chain; 15\to 18\Birthstone Bracelets $45 Fabric-friendly%u2122 stretch bracelets; rhodium plating; 2%u00bc\de in the USA.Birthstone Rings $29 Single stone twisted ring; rhodium plating; sizes 5 %u2013 10. R3100 / JANUARY / 4077BF R3105 / FEBRUARY / 4078BF R3110 / MARCH / 4079BFR3115 / APRIL / 4080BFR3120 / MAY / 4081BFR3125 / JUNE / 4082BFR3130 / JULY / 4083BF R3135 / AUGUST / 4084BFR3140 / SEPTEMBER / 4085BFR3145 / OCTOBER / 4086BFR3150 / NOVEMBER / 4087BFR3155 / DECEMBER / 4088BF Fabric-friendly%u2122 bracelets won%u2019t snag clothing!JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNEJULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBERSet in stoneBeautiful color and sparkle are at the center of each of our birthstone designs. Necklace, ring, bracelet and earrings%u2026or whatever combo suits you, create the perfect gift set for yourself and others!JANUARY / 3764NF Siam crystal Friendship, Trust, Love, and FaithFEBRUARY / 3765NF Amethyst crystal Royalty, Stability, and StrengthMARCH / 3766NF Aquamarine crystal Youth, Health, Hope, and PeaceAPRIL / 3767NF Crystal Love, Courage, Loyalty, and Commitment MAY / 3768NF Emerald crystal Fertility, Prosperity, and FriendshipJUNE / 3769NF Light Amethyst crystal Good Fortune, Intuition, and CreativityJULY / 3770NF Indian Siam crystal Wisdom, Success, Passion, and CourageAUGUST / 3771NF Peridot crystal Strength, Happiness, and DignitySEPTEMBER / 3772NF Sapphire crystal Purity, Wisdom, Loyalty, and SincerityOCTOBER / 3773NF Rose crystal Creativity, Gratitude, and LevelheadednessNOVEMBER / 3774NF Topaz crystal Affection, Loyalty, Strength, and FriendshipDECEMBER / 3775NF Montana crystal Wisdom, Good Health, and LuckBeautiful Birthstones
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